CHANTIER NAVAL BERNARD and its carpenters
For some weeks now, the carpenters from CHANTIER BERNARD have been working on LA SAVOIE for renovation works.
These works affect the hull's framework. Carpenters have taken off the damaged plankings and they started shaping of the keel.
Today, the keel has been fixed and is being prepared to receive the new plankings within about 10 days. We can admire the outstanding work of these carpenters specialised in wooden ship constructions. The photo below shows the team of CHANTIER BERNARD; with Yannick as team leader, assisted by Joseph, Benoit, Cyril, Laurent and Alexandre.
Les charpentiers du chantier BERNARD.
Mais aussi les bénévoles sont très actifs sur le chantier, pour le nettoyage de la zone de travail, l'assistance aux charpentiers, évacuation des débris de bois, et dernièrement le nettoyage et lessivages des membrures avant la mise en peinture pour la semaine prochaine.
L'équipe de nettoyage des membrures.